PKF Paraguay

Home Services Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is a significant challenge in today's world, as corporations, governments, and individuals have increasingly become victims of cyber attacks and hacking by those who exploit the weaknesses of technical infrastructures and human behavior. Understanding the motivations and incentives of individuals and institutions, both attackers and defenders, can help create a safer and more trustworthy cyberspace.

Given this global scenario, our consulting firm, PKF Paraguay, has created a Digital Crimes or Cybercrime Unit and has assembled a highly specialized team to provide advice and support to governments, civil society organizations, and private sector companies, specializing in advising local and international organizations.

PKF Paraguay, together with our strategic allies in various regions around the world, has built capabilities to assist in generating policies and action plans for each division of the security forces as well as the private sector, depending on their specialization, ranging from cybercrime to intelligence, with the firm goal of defending the critical assets of companies and countries.

The products and services we offer are provided by companies with extensive experience in security matters and are backed by certifications such as A+ ISO/IEC 27001 and A+ ISO 9001, among others.


  1. KSE (Secure Communication System)

    We have an exclusive application that provides a secure environment for mobile communication. The system guarantees the protection of communications through advanced encryption technologies.


    • VPN connection.
    • End-to-end encryption (RSA4096).
    • Additional AES-256 encryption.
    • Total protection for mobile communications.
  2. PLT (Proactive Listening Threads)

    Description:An advanced tool that offers anticipation and protection through continuous monitoring of forums and closed groups, detecting emerging threats in real-time.


    Description:Simulation of cyber attacks to assess the security of an organization's infrastructure. This product simulates real cyber attack scenarios to identify vulnerabilities before they are exploited.


  1. Corporate Intelligence and Protection

    PKF offers advanced intelligence solutions that allow organizations to protect their digital assets and make informed strategic decisions.

    • Intelligence for Decision-Making
    • Prospective reports on future trends.
    • Vulnerability analysis in cyber infrastructure.
    • Real-time threat detection.
  2. Information Consulting

    This service provides organizations with the tools and strategies needed to manage and protect their critical information.

    • Threat Assessment: Identification of potential risks and threats to digital infrastructure.
    • Policy Review and Development: Creation and updating of cybersecurity policies.
    • Future Action Planning: Design of preventive and reactive strategies to mitigate risks.
  3. Cyber Defense

    Provides solutions to protect critical information and ensure the security of organizations against cyber attacks.

    • Management of Critical Information
    • Intelligence reports.
    • Early alerts.
    • Security breach auditing.
  4. Brand Monitoring

    Monitoring the online presence and reputation of a company, allowing the detection of risks to the corporate image.

  5. Cyber Security

    Advanced services for protecting critical infrastructures and digital assets through the implementation of security controls, threat detection, and risk mitigation.

  6. Due Diligence

    Comprehensive assessment of risks before making important decisions, whether in investments or strategic alliances.

Service Areas

PKF Intelligence Unit's products and services are grouped into the following key areas:

  1. Prospective: Analysis of trends and future scenarios.
  2. Brand Monitoring: Protection of corporate reputation.
  3. Cyber Security: Advanced protection of digital assets.
  4. Due Diligence: Risk assessment in strategic decisions.
  5. KSE (Secure Communications): Secure communication tool with robust encryption.

Implementation Sectors

PKF's products and services can be implemented in sectors such as:

  • Business and Economy (medium and large enterprises).
  • Government and Public Administration.
  • Telecommunications.
  • Health and Medicine.
  • Energy and Mining.
  • Education.
  • Transportation and Logistics.
  • Media.
  • Agriculture and Food.
  • Insurance and Reinsurance Companies.

At PKF, within our cybersecurity area, we offer comprehensive support and ongoing training to ensure that our clients can make the most of our products and services. We focus on providing specialized education that prepares organizations to face digital threats and protect their assets with confidence.

  • Training in Information Security and Use of Advanced Tools:We offer training programs for personnel from companies and government agencies in handling our monitoring and cyber infrastructure protection solutions.
  • Continuous Support in Threat Analysis and Incident Response:We provide assistance and guidance throughout the process of analyzing and mitigating cyber threats, as well as in responding to critical incidents. Our team accompanies clients to ensure that each action is carried out effectively and in accordance with global best practices, thereby protecting both their digital assets and the operational stability of the organization.