PKF Paraguay

Home Services Tax Consulting

Tax Consulting

Our consultants in the tax area carry out monthly controls on the Company's Financial Statements in order to determine the tax burdens inherent to the activity itself.

The solid training in tax legislation of our tax experts It allows detecting anomalies and minimizing costs in the gabelas that tax companies

The advice also includes the correct application of the tax legislation on all taxes levied on the activity, which allows to properly plan the incidence of the taxes with a view to obtaining greater profitability.

The tasks carried out are based on:

  • Tax planning
  • Advice on tax legislation
  • Monitoring of fiscal controls carried out by the enforcement authority
  • Tax legal advice in the event of divergences with the enforcement authority
  • Tax restructuring positive
  • Legal advice to foreign investors
  • Tax advice of the Mercosur regime
  • Tax Settlements